A Little About Me...

Velkommen! I am Sara, the Principle Designer and Owner of Skapa Design.  Architecture and design have always been passions of mine. As a child I would page through my Mother's latest copy of Better Homes & Gardens, critiquing the decor, tearing out photos I would someday piece together into a dream home. In winter, while other kids would rush out after the latest Minnesota snowfall to build a snowman, I saw that blank, untouched backyard as the perfect canvas to walk out a life size floor plan. Living room here, kitchen there, furniture placed here...  My training in design has been years in the making!

As I "grew up," I was told many times over the years that design was my calling, so in early 2016 I decided to follow that advice and make it my official occupation. I named my company Skapa Design to reflect my Scandinavian heritage, and my love and interest in the principles of Scandinavian design. Skapa is an Old Norse word that means "to create, to make, to build, to design." I enjoy working on both commercial and residential projects whether it be remodels or new construction. Being a part of a new build from drafting of floor plans to completion is a particular interest of mine.

While I enjoy and work with many different design styles, the heart of my aesthetic stems from the principles of Scandinavian design: clean lines, functionality, efficient use of space, quality materials, sustainability, and paying close attention to a project's purpose and setting so that the end result is in harmony with it's surroundings and best fulfills the needs it was intended for. I seek to really get to know the owners of each project I work on so that I can better design a space that works perfectly for them, and reflects their day to day life, interests, and needs.